Geoff passing through Dallas on the way back to Iraq gave father and son a few hours together

Larry after one of his jumps 
at Incirlik, Turkey

Captain (now Colonel) Geoff Greene training Afghan soldiers in Afghanistan


Colonel Larry Greene at USCENTCOM, MacDill AFB in Tampa when stationed there 


Larry and I getting ready for the Marine Corps Birthday Ball in Harlingen, Texas.

Larry and me with Florida Governor Charlie Crist at the Army Birthday Ball in Tampa 

Larry made several parachute jumps while he was the Deputy Commander of  the Special Operations Detachment at Incirlik, Turkey during Operation PROVIDE COMFORT.

Gary "Lt Dan" Sinise with the Lt Dan Band performed for the troops at Yongsan, Seoul, Korea while we were stationed there. The troops loved him! ! ! 

Major (now Colonel) Geoff Greene in Iraq

While stationed at U.S. Central Command in Tampa we were frequent guests at events hosted by the 64 countries which were part of the Coalition. This photo was made on Bastille Day and hosted by the French contingent.

Larry in Zakho, Iraq while serving on Operation PROVIDE COMFORT

Colonel Larry Greene and Captain (now Colonel) Geoff Greene at Ft. Bragg.  It was a proud event for both of them as Larry had just pinned his Master Parachutist Badge on Geoff a week after they made Geoff's 65th jump together, qualifying him as a Master Parachutist.

Larry in Diwaniyah, Iraq after a patrol

At US Central Command Larry had the opportunity to give a tour of the Coalition Coordination Center to singer/song writer Lee Greenwood and presented Lee with one of his challenge coins.